
Hemorrhoids During Pregnancy

Hemorrhoids are enlarged blood vessels in the rectal area, which cause pain and, at times, bleeding. Swollen veins are known as varicose veins and are commonly observed in pregnant women, especially in the legs. Consequently, hemorrhoids during pregnancy is also not an uncommon condition. While some women develop them within the first months; others get hemorrhoids during labor. But, not all cases of internal hemorrhoids and external hemorrhoids require therapeutic intervention. In fact, they usually resolve on their own, after childbirth.

Symptoms of Hemorrhoids During Pregnancy

In the general population, hemorrhoids or piles occur in 50 percent of the adults. As compared to others, pregnant women have a higher risk of manifesting this condition, mainly because of the increased weight and elevated progesterone levels. Also, constipation and irregular bowel movement add to the increased risk of developing hemorrhoids in pregnant women. The size of hemorrhoids resembles that of a raisin or, it may be as large as a grape.

Many pregnant women with piles report little or no discomfort problems, while some experience itching, pain and burning sensation in and around the anus. Also, hemorrhoids itching symptom is associated with rectal bleeding, especially during bowel movement. A disheartening part with hemorrhoids during pregnancy is restriction in using treatment medications, unless recommended by a trusted doctor. Of course, a pregnant woman with hemorrhoid problem can try remedies for managing hemorrhoids symptoms.

Treatment for Hemorrhoids During Pregnancy

As pregnancy is the most crucial phase, a mild health condition should not be taken lightly. The same is applicable to pregnancy induced hemorrhoids. Even though the discomfort condition resolves on its own after giving birth to a baby, a woman should take certain precautions to minimize the risk of bleeding hemorrhoids. Fortunately, there are safe approaches for treating hemorrhoids in pregnant women. Listed below are effective natural remedies for hemorrhoids during pregnancy:
  • For instant hemorrhoids relief, one can apply cold compresses in the affected area. Put ice cubes in a clean cloth and dab the anal region with it. The cold treatment will reduce swelling and painful symptoms.
  • Taking warm water bath and soaking the bottom in lukewarm water are other approaches for treating hemorrhoids during pregnancy. A simple way is to use a sitz bath over the toilet. Also, alternating cold and warm compresses is best for getting pain relief.
  • Check the diet plan and ensure that loads of fiber rich foods are added in the daily food menu. This will help in maintaining regular bowel movement, which is a key tip in reducing hemorrhoid pain and bleeding.
  • Another method concerning how to get rid of hemorrhoids is using medicated wipes, that are specially prescribed for patients with piles. Use unscented, alcohol free, soft or pre-moistened tissue to wipe the area gently.
  • Hemorrhoids pads that are made with witch hazel extract is a good remedial solution to combat discomfort symptoms. Also, they are safe for usage by pregnant women. But, remember to purchase them from a reputable brand.
  • Other tips to promote healing hemorrhoids are not sitting for long hours, keeping the anal area clean and performing mild movement activities. Drinking ample amount of water is a simple remedy to treat constipation and piles.
In case, the symptoms of hemorrhoids during pregnancy do not improve, or become unmanageable with home remedies, do not delay in taking medical help. Consulting a doctor is of utmost importance, if the woman experiences frequent rectal bleeding while straining for defecation. The doctor may recommend safe suppository or topical anesthetic, along with exercises for hemorrhoids. As far as hemorrhoids laser treatment is concerned, it is not recommended for pregnant women. Follow the suggested directions and a pregnant woman will definitely get relief from hemorrhoids.


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